Your St. John's Area family dentist, First Street Dental, is proud to practice reliable, friendly and warm family dentistry. Our families matter to us, and we know how it feels to care about a family’s well-being. Because of that caring attitude, we can extend the same care to your family in our office.
It is important for us to not only maintain your family's oral hygiene in our office each visit, but also to educate everyone on preventative measures. In a calm and pleasant manner, our doctor will teach your children about how to make sure they stay healthy for their futures.
In order to make childhood dental visits enjoyable for the kids, we maintain an atmosphere of positivity and relaxation. We advise that you should bring your children into the dentist’s office from around the age of 3 onwards. This is a good time to start a lifelong journey of oral health.
If you need more information about a family dentist in the St. John's Area, contact us today.
Please call our office at (709) 364-6185 from home or your cell phone and we will be happy to reschedule your appointment.
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